Hello there folks! 

We’re excited to welcome you to Natural Sampler! So, welcome! 

So many people have waited for us to launch our new online store. Many had already fallen in love with our samples from all over the world, and many had yearned to indulge in essential oils but didn’t know where to start. Now anyone can sample, sample, sample, without breaking the bank or getting sizes far more than what’s needed.

That’s why we are here. If you’re like us, you’ve tried natural products, and some just sat on the shelf for months, maybe even years, before you realize it’s wasted money, and gets discarded. All that wonderful botanical, gone to waste. Or maybe you are like some of us who really wanted to try an oil or other natural product, but they were just too expensive. We fix the “too expensive” and unpredictable shipping issue, making us exactly what you’ve been waiting for. Now you have your shopping spot for quality essential oils and naturals, 

Deep breath. Exhale. Okay, now go ahead and relax. You’re free to splurge! Isn’t it exciting!?


A warm thanks, and… sample on!


Natural Sampler